St John Hospital And Medical Center's 2011 costs for Red Blood Cell Disorders Without Major Complications

Diagnosis code: 812

22101 Moross Rd
Detroit, MI 48236

Region: : MI - Detroit

Diagnosis (DRG) Description Red Blood Cell Disorders Without Major Complications
Total 2011 Cases 141
Average amount St John Hospital And Medical Center charged for this procedure in 2011 over total discharges $15,432.00
Average amount Medicare paid St John Hospital And Medical Center for Red Blood Cell Disorders Without Major Complications $6,525.00
Difference between what St John Hospital And Medical Center charged and Medicare reimbursed the hospital for the procedure $8,907.00
Hospital's Markup: 236%
Average amount nationally charged for Red Blood Cell Disorders Without Major Complications in 2011 over all cases $19,723.30
Medicare's National Average Total Reimbursement $5,562.16
Hospital's charge compared to the national average 22% lower
Hospital's Rank for this diagnosis 954 out of 2321 reported procedures
Percent of hospitals that are more expensive 59%