Baptist St Anthonys Health System-baptist Cam's 2011 costs for Neck, Back, Arms & Legs - Cervical Spine Fusion (Cervical Spinal Fusion Without Any Complications)

Diagnosis code: 473

1600 Wallace Blvd
Amarillo, TX 79106

Region: : TX - Amarillo

Diagnosis (DRG) Description Neck, Back, Arms & Legs - Cervical Spine Fusion (Cervical Spinal Fusion Without Any Complications)
Total 2011 Cases 23
Average amount Baptist St Anthonys Health System-baptist Cam charged for this procedure in 2011 over total discharges $36,946.00
Average amount Medicare paid Baptist St Anthonys Health System-baptist Cam for Neck, Back, Arms & Legs - Cervical Spine Fusion (Cervical Spinal Fusion Without Any Complications) $11,725.00
Difference between what Baptist St Anthonys Health System-baptist Cam charged and Medicare reimbursed the hospital for the procedure $25,221.00
Hospital's Markup: 315%
Average amount nationally charged for Neck, Back, Arms & Legs - Cervical Spine Fusion (Cervical Spinal Fusion Without Any Complications) in 2011 over all cases $54,478.50
Medicare's National Average Total Reimbursement $14,672.60
Hospital's charge compared to the national average 32% lower
Hospital's Rank for this diagnosis 224 out of 846 reported procedures
Percent of hospitals that are more expensive 74%